Based on the traditions and achievements we have built up over half a century since the establishment of our company, we devote ourselves to supply various kinds of plating solutions that satisfy our customers and match with their needs.
With the spirit of always overthrowing the status quo and taking on the challenge to create cutting-edge technologies, we strive to become a bridge toward the next generation.
Most recent update:2017-03-15
- Basic principle -
Through our activities in the plating business Just Co., Ltd. earnestly strives for the preservation of the constantly changing global environment. While aiming for a prosperous coexistence with the local community, we continually contribute to environmental improvement.
- Basic policy -
1. We constantly make efforts to improve our environmental management system by setting environmental aims and targets based on this policy, and by regularly revising our actions to meet them.
2. To prevent pollution we comply with all laws, regulations, rules, self-imposed controls and other requirements related to environmental protection.
3. In addition to our appropriate management of energy and resource saving, recycling, industrial waste and chemicals, we also endeavor for the avoidance and reduction of these substances.
4. We constantly make efforts for the preservation of the environment not only by accurately understanding the environmental effects caused by the plating business and plated products, but also through voluntary targets for improvements.
5. This policy is stated in written words to raise the awareness of all of our employees, and we improve communication to further deepen their understanding.
6. This environmental policy is available to the public on request.
Most recent update:2017-03-15
1 April 1950 - Established as Toa Plating Factory |
April 1958 - Start of gloss nickel and chrome plating for the first time in Tohoku Region |
April 1960 - Construction of a new head office plant in Miyamachi, Yamagata-shi, mainly for the production of sewing machine parts |
April 1966 - Start of the business collaboration with the new founded Tohoku Pioneer Corporation. Plating of mass-produced speakers, yokes, etc. |
April 1967 - Acquisition of a 6,600 m² property in Kanaya, Kaminoyama-shi |
May 1967 - Restructuring into a joint-stock company |
May 1969 - Construction of the Kitamachi plant in Kitamachi, Yamagata-shi, due to increasing orders. Introduction of automated machines at the chrome and nickel plating lines |
May 1976 - Introduction of fully-automated zinc rack equipment in the Kitamachi plant |
April 1978 - Start of black chromate treatment, solder and tin plating for the first time in Yamagata |
May 1979 - Capital increase to ¥40 million |
From April 1980 - Start of the construction of the Kanaya plant in Kaminoyama-shi and introduction of state-of-the-art automated machines on completion |
September 1981 - Startup of the Kanaya plant |
April 1984 - Development of a technology for silver plating treatment for the inner surface of stainless steel nuts |
April 1986 - Extension of the Kitamachi plant |
April 1987 - Introduction of two fully-automated electroless nickel plating analyzing and supply machines in the Kanaya plant |
October 1988 - Extension of the Kanaya plant and introduction of equipment for research and technological development |
January 1992 - Installation of a large-scale wastewater treatment facility at the Kanaya plant |
February 1992 - Awarded with the main prize at "17th MITI Invention Award" by the Japanese government |
March 1992 - Extension of the Kitamachi plant and startup of fully-automated nickel plating equipment |
April 1993 - The company name was changed to Toa Plating Co., Ltd. |
April 1993 - Awarded with the "Secretary of Science and Technology Award" in two categories by the Japanese government |
May 1994 - Spin-off of the Kanaya plant and start as independent company Just Co., Ltd. |
April 1995 - Development of technologies for composite plating and eutectoid plating using diamonds and other materials |
1995 - Granted a subsidy from Yamagata Prefecture (for the development of diamond electrodeposition) |
April 1996 - Transfer of the Toa Plating Kitamachi plant to the Kanaya plant of Just Co., Ltd. |
1996 - Chosen for the 1st sponsorship of "Tohoku Venture Land Fund" (for the development of composite plating) |
1997 - Granted a subsidy from the Japanese state and Yamagata Prefecture (for the development of diamond electrodeposition) |
1998 - Introduction of fully-automated electroless nickel plating equipment |
1999 - Introduction of fully-automated zinc plating equipment (chloride bath) with carriers |
2004 - Introduction of trivalent chromate treatment in the fully-automated zinc plating line |
2006 - ISO 14001 Certification |
2007 - Development of a grinding stone with a carbon-nanotube reinforced plating and application for a patent |
April 2008 - Construction of a futsal pitch for the employees |
May 2009 - Introduction of fully-automated zinc barrel plating equipment (zincate bath) |
May 2010 - 60th Anniversary |
May 2010 - Introduction of fully-automated nickel barrel plating equipment with carriers |
April 2012 - Introduction of fully-automated nickel plating equipment with carriers |
August 2015 - Establishment of a specialized Research & Development Center opposite the head office |
November 2015 - Awarded "Great Craftsmen of the Present World" by the Japanese government |
May 2016 - Chosen to the "Selection of 300 Emerging Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises" by the Japanese government |
May 2016 - International presentation of the super micro forceps for endoscopic ear surgery developed by Prof. Kakehata from Yamagata University |
Most recent update:2017-03-15